In Northern Ireland you can trust Ballymena based Robert Adair Jewellers to repair, service and look after you precious clock. When you bring your clock or timepiece to Robert Adair Jewellers for repairs and maintenance, you can be assured that you are trusting your timepiece to experts with over 55 years of experience in this field of horology
For customers in the Co Antrim area, a home visit can be arranged, this service is especially useful if your timepiece is large or delicate. This enables a face to face meeting when the work required can be discussed and a provisional estimate to costs of repairs given. We can then dismantle and transport the clock without causing any damage.
Every clock is fully strip down for cleaning. To repair the damage caused by wear, all pivots are burnished and polished and all worn plates will be re-bushed. We can also obtain any missing or damaged parts including hands, pendulums, weights, bells, finials, glass domes, mercury barometer tubes and thermometers.
After the re-assembly of the time piece, it undergoes a period of testing to ensure that it is running correctly and keeping correct time. Large clocks are then delivered back to your home and set up to ensure everything is running smoothly.
Other services include
• Dial restoration for painted and enamelled dials
• Re-guilding clock cases
• Wheel and pinion cutting, made to original patterns
• Glass cutting for bevel-edged carriage clock cases, convex and shaped glasses, as well as barometer glasses.
Every clock we receive for repair is important to us, whether it’s the routine maintenance of a common mantel, wall clock, longcase clock, barometer, barograph or bringing back to life a treasured family heirloom, we treat each clock with very special care.
For further information on our clock repair service or to arrange a home visit contact Stuart Adair at Robert Adair Jewellers. T: (028) 2565 6896

Stuart Adair
Robert Adair Jewellers
47/51 Mill Street
Clock repair – Service – Northern Ireland